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Quality Automation 

Quality Automation teaches students the fundamentals of Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) from the testers’ point of view.  It also covers a sampling of automated QA tools and how they can be integrated into an Agile software development program



After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Use the four quadrants of testing to design an effective test plan for an application

  • Convert Acceptance Criteria for a User Story into executable tests using Cucumber and Gherkin

  • Use Selenium to implement tests of a web application, including clicking links, entering data, selecting radio buttons, handling pop ups, and validating results

  • Create tests for an API using HTTP requests

  • Explain and use Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD), Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

  • Use automated QA tools to

    • Evaluate performance of a web site under load,

    • Insure web responses meet specified criteria

    • Evaluate code quality

3 Days

Intended Audience 
This class is intended for testers, test managers, developers, QA engineers and others who want a fuller understanding of Agile testing and quality principles and the techniques and tools used to implement those practices.


Course Outline



Day 1


Testing in Agile

  • Quadrant 1 Testing

  • Quadrant 2 Testing

  • Quadrant 3 Testing

  • Quadrant 4 Testing




Cucumber and Gherkin


Testing an application with Cucumber

Day 2

Testing a Web Application with Selenium

  • Navigating to a site

  • Clicking Links

  • Filling in text fields

  • Refactoring tests

  • Page object pattern

  • Dealing with pop ups

  • Selecting an item from a list


Day 3

Testing an API

  • Communicating with HTTP

  • Basic structure of a query

  • Testing the response code

  • Testing the MIME type

  • Parsing the response


Other Automated QA tools

Testing with JMeter

  • Load testing

  • Response time


Evaluating code quality with Sonar

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